
Yeah I Did Blaugust, Here’s Why I Don’t

Welcome back to my musings! After participating in Blaugust last month, I decided to take a break. I was going on vacation anyway so then felt like a good time to take a blogging vacation as well.

I have heard of Blaugust for years since moving to WordPress. Some people were asking me if I was going to participate. At that time I wasn’t because I was too preoccupied with other commitments.

This year, however, I decided to give it a shot as I suddenly had a breakthrough of blog post ideas, plus doing album reviews also contributed some sort. I didn’t feel the need to advertise in my posts that I was participating other than including the necessary tags to count towards any eligible rewards that the event host presented.

And that’s it. This isn’t something I do a lot as I simply prefer to write at my own pace. As much as I enjoyed participating this year. The most significant hurdle, I struggled with was having to sacrifice other projects just to keep the posts rolling to see if I could reach the 31 posts goal.

Luckily, I started lining them up before August even hit so I was able to keep it running even when I came down with covid, I kept on writing.

But still, I felt like I couldn’t do other things like gaming and my fanfiction which is why I prefer to just write here when I feel like it.

Will I participate next year? Maybe, we’ll see, but I might plan it in advance just so I don’t feel like I’m not doing just blogging for that month.


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