
Can I Keep Streaking?

I have doubts lately that if I take part in blogging events, can I keep the pace up? What I started to do toward the end of July was I began scheduling a bunch of posts to go up in August, I had a great streak going and then as they each were published at their scheduled time, I felt happy that I made some great content so far.

But that also meant the decrease of content still pending and I was worried that I was going to run out of ideas.

I still have a few tricks up my sleeve like a daydream I keep having, some social challenges I deal with and if I ever finish any of the games I’m currently playing, then there’s those too. I might have a new inspiration recently after finally receiving some news last week that I was waiting two months for after reserving it for a whole year. When that becomes distinct, I will definitely have to write about it here.

Taking part in Blaugust so far has allowed me to meet even more bloggers and connect with the ones I already know in Discord and that’s been great.

So, with that being said, let’s see how much longer I last. It’s not easy but I remember hearing one of those bloggers mention on the Discord server that if they had content written up but weren’t in any rush to publish it, they would save it for next year. Solid idea, maybe I’ll consider that.

Anyway, this is like a fill-in-the-blank post until something bigger comes along again!


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6 thoughts on “Can I Keep Streaking?”

    1. I bet what I can do is also save posts for next year that I’m not in a hurry to publish if I decide this will be a regular thing.


    1. Well we’ll see if I can do the same thing but I also don’t want to neglect my gaming and fanfiction. Plus I have a full-time job.

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  1. I’ve been trying to be more consistent with blogging as well. Plus I definitely have a stack of switch games that I need to play and review as well. I’m sure you have some more stories and stuff !

    Liked by 1 person

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