Music and Bands

Orgasmatron – Claw Machine and Doctor

Ready for another Motörhead album review? I am! I find it absolutely shocking that nobody knows who these guys are, hell I am also stunned how rock isn’t the most popular genre anymore. But anyway, here we go again rambling on about music from a band I wish I got into sooner. I don’t know about you guys but I’m excited to dive into this one.

This time the album is Orgasmatron, which sounds pretty naughty, but the album is really good. The cover is like a war pig train, okay you know what, screw it, from now on I’m calling it Ormagöden and you can’t stop me. I had a lot of fun spending one afternoon off listening to this album so, naturally, writing this was highly anticipated by myself. Here we go!

Deaf Forever

I just fucking love this one okay? It sounds so powerful, who needs a prelude track when you can start with an epic song right in the beginning? That’s exactly what this song does with its unique riff and melodies. It’s like a war song with a retro tune to it and sets the style of the album in motion.

I imagine myself on top of that train on the cover with a sword battling a monster while the band plays when I listen to this for some reason, it just popped into my head, I’m letting my imagination run wild again!

Nothing Up My Sleeve

Babe, watch out, watch out! I told you Motörhead songs are super catchy! This intro reminds me a lot of Live to Win, but hey we’re into the classic sound from the band now. I do like this one, it’s definitely got a sweet riff to it that makes me listen to it more.

Yes, we all need some magic and a cool guitar solo to top it off. A nice classic song I’d expect from the band at this point.

Ain’t My Crime

Oh yeah, you can tell from the first listen what this song is about. This is what we love about Lemmy, he doesn’t give a damn what people think about him. Neither do I, that’s the best way to live!

It’s like a breakup where one person couldn’t accept the other for the way they were and dumped them, but the dumpee is like, I don’t care, it’s your loss. The sound isn’t perfect but I like the message that it delivers and that’s sufficient for me.


So what is the claw? Well, this definitely sounds naughty, it sounds like it’s about stealing a lady so she cheats on her husband but can’t resist so she does it anyway. It’s a pretty upbeat song that shows off Pete’s drumming at the beginning and Lemmy gets experimental with his vocals on this one, that mischievous whisper at the very end he gives just makes my heart beat like thunder so yeah it’s a winner.

Mean Machine

Of course, with a song with this name, I’d be expecting a fast-paced song and here we are! It’s the shortest track and other than it’s great guitar solo and rapid tempo, it’s not super special to me when I listen to it. Just average you know, but hey maybe someone else loves it better than me.

Built for Speed

So it’s almost like the opposite, a song about speed but not an actual fast song for it. But, hey it doesn’t matter in this case because this song has a great riff. All these songs I’ve heard so far from this band I can the word “babe” is in a lot of them, not that I’m complaining.

I was born to rock n’ roll, yes you were, Lemmy! A catchy song for sure, definitely deserves more love.

Ridin’ with the Driver

Another track where the drums reign supreme. In spite of that, I’m not a huge fan of this song, it’s okay but I’ve heard better on this album so far. I’ll tell you one thing, Lemmy’s having a fun time with his voice on this album and this song is another example of that.

Doctor Rock

Calling Dr. Rock, you got the cure I’m thinking of? Sorry I couldn’t help myself there! Definitely better than the last one because I could use Dr. Rock right now.

What else can I say, this is a great song and at first, it made me laugh when the lyrics said “we sure ain’t talking Dr. Spock”. Am I detecting a Star Trek fan in the band at that time? I’ll get to the bottom of this!


Last but not least the titular track, it’s also very devilish like the first track with a darker sound and I love it. Lemmy sounds different in this like he’s trying to sound like Lucifer here, praise Ormagöden, he’d be proud of this attempt.

Is this song to suggest in a dark way how powerful orgasm can be? It sounds like it to me! This is definitely not what I’m used to hearing from Motorhead like the solo isn’t as prominent this time, but hey, I love it so it doesn’t matter.

And then it goes out with a bang, well what do I think of this album? It’s no Ace of Spades, but it’s still amazing, I think I’m used to the band’s signature sound by now with this being my second album review from them. I do try to do these more often because I love music and writing, I love what I do. So, with that being said, my favourite tracks are:

Deaf Forever

Nothing Up My Sleeve


Built For Speed

Doctor Rock


It’s an album with a short duration but it’s full of some pretty strong tracks and fewer oddballs than I thought so I’m gonna be generous here. Well done boys.

Rating: 5 out of 5.


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