Music and Bands

Falling Holy to the Escapade and Strutter with Fire – Music of July 2022

Another month, another set of music to share. I didn't do much blogging in July because I was highly focused on one of my fanfiction projects which I put on hold many times, I even put it was discontinued but decided not to delete it. Then I pushed myself to work on it little by… Continue reading Falling Holy to the Escapade and Strutter with Fire – Music of July 2022


DARQ – Inescapable Lucid Nightmares

This game I bought from the Lunar New Year Sale this year and it was something I was uncertain about for a while. When I finally played it I realized it was shorter than I thought but the visuals and audio are well done for a solo developer. It's a game about a boy named… Continue reading DARQ – Inescapable Lucid Nightmares


Steam Summer Sale 2022 – What I Bought

Well well, I guess it's that time again, I didn't want to buy anything, my haul last year was considerably larger but there were a few games that I couldn't resist getting, some of them were on sale for deals too difficult for me to ignore. I told myself I was going to get a… Continue reading Steam Summer Sale 2022 – What I Bought


Alien Isolation – Lost in Sevastopol

This review is for the novelization of the video game, not the game itself. I've tried to finish the game before, the first time I didn't get very far because I was terrible at stealth. Convinced that I would never finish the game, I watched streamers play it and saw how it ended while it… Continue reading Alien Isolation – Lost in Sevastopol


Undead Lord Under A Curse

Once again, dreams are giving me ideas for future fanfiction projects! I can't share all the details here but something tells me this dream, if I turn it into a fanfiction is going to involve curses, zombies and of course THE Zombie if you get my drift. There was one intimate scene I recall from… Continue reading Undead Lord Under A Curse