Music and Bands

Dreams and Materials Are Legendary Long Reborn – Music of May 2022

It's the end of May and I have to give myself a mental note to play some more ACNH during June because of Reese and Cyrus's wedding anniversary photoshoot. Apparently, there are lots of cute items you can get! I've also been doing better mentally now because my hacked Instagram account was recently deleted. Not… Continue reading Dreams and Materials Are Legendary Long Reborn – Music of May 2022

Music and Bands

Theater of Dimensions – Power of the Orchestra

There are times when I just feel like doing another album review from my collection. This time, I thought it should be this one since Xandria is finally breaking the silence this month of where they've been. I discovered them through a friend who was going to see them in two cities so I decided… Continue reading Theater of Dimensions – Power of the Orchestra


Just You And Me By The Red Water

Long time no see that's what I want to say because it feels like I haven't blogged much this month. Well, after celebrating my birthday, I started playing Detroit Become Human and have been playing the hell out of it whenever I get a day off. I will often play at times where I am… Continue reading Just You And Me By The Red Water


One Month Later After The Breach

So, it's officially been a month now since my Instagram was hacked. How am I doing now? Better actually, I feel like I have become smarter and can spend more time doing things I love to do even more than scrolling the app. I remember in the moment I was devastated at first that I… Continue reading One Month Later After The Breach


Alice Madness Returns – The Corrupted Wonderland

Another game review! I'm just on fire with the games in my backlog lately, I think I know why. Ever since I quit Instagram, the pressure to capture everything has dropped tremendously so I can concentrate on what really matters to me. Speaking of which, I do plan to share an update on how I'm… Continue reading Alice Madness Returns – The Corrupted Wonderland


Why I’m Reading More Books

In a world where we have access to so much entertainment, I find myself reading more and more these days. Ever since covid started, I was cooped at home with not much to do outside of work. When I wasn't always writing or gaming, I began to reintroduce things I didn't do regularly in my… Continue reading Why I’m Reading More Books


My Brother Rabbit – Between Imagination and Reality

I've been clearing games on the backlog to pave the way for a big story-rich game that I had no idea existed until last year and I've already had several dreams about it. So, with that being said, here is another review of an indie game that was quite delightful and nostalgic. My Brother Rabbit… Continue reading My Brother Rabbit – Between Imagination and Reality


The Grand Machine and the Beasts

I've neglected to write about some very vivid dreams that I've been having lately, so this is going to be one of those posts where I combine two dreams into one article. Why the turning gears? Well when I think about pieces of metal, I think of my beloved Karl Heisenberg. All these dreams about… Continue reading The Grand Machine and the Beasts