
I Want To Live – Don’t Ever Grow Up

Well, that’s a wrap on the second book of the Dawn Rochelle series. This one was a lot shorter than its predecessor and I’m bouncing between it and the Kingkiller chronicles reading multiple books at once is something I stopped doing years ago, so I’m not sure why I’m doing it now!

Anyway, it’s been a really difficult weekend for me and I’m trying to keep my spirits up so I feel very much like Dawn now, sans cancer.

In this volume Dawn is trying to put her past behind her as her cancer is in remission and all of a sudden, she is hanging out with her friend Rhonda more, but she still misses Sandy. I think she’s trying way too hard to grow up and even states she wants to get rid of her teddy bears, claiming they don’t go with being fourteen.

Bullshit, I’m way older than you, Dawn, and I love teddy bears and plushies in general! Hell, one of my aunts is almost seventy and has a stuffed dog in her house.

Anyway, it’s like this book tries to dissolve the love triangle completely with Jake moving and Greg not showing up at camp the following year. Unless I’m missing something here, but Dawn’s big brother Rob was super supportive the whole time, but I didn’t like his new fiancee Darcy, she screams bridezilla to me.

In the chapters that followed, I had a bad feeling that Dawn’s leukemia was going to relapse after she went in for maintenance therapy. She started to feel tired again and then within a few days, she was back at the hospital for a bone marrow transplant. This was where the book got better as she fought to survive once again.

All in all, it had a happy ending so even if I didn’t love it as much, it was still a decent read.

Rating: 3 out of 5.


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