
Steam Lunar New Year Sale 2022 – What I Bought

Been a while since I did one of these! Happy Lunar New Year everyone! It’s the year of the tiger so where are my tigers at?

I, myself am a rooster and this makes me think so much of the time I was reading Fruits Basket around Christmas.

Naturally, since I last made a blog post about a Steam sale haul, I have played a few of the games from it. Some I am currently playing on and off like Ori and Sunless Sea (hell I’m still trying to understand how to play that one!) and I played RE7 and loved it.

I also played Elmarion Dragon’s Princess but that game didn’t work out for me. The gameplay was too wonky and not as exciting as I imagined. Naturally, clearing the backlog sometimes means a few bad apples will be encountered!

Turns out I got some notable things to share from the Lunar New Year sale, unlike the winter sale, Cyberpunk 2077 was the only thing I bought and not enough to turn it into a post here since I only prefer to make these posts if I buy more than three games. So, here’s what I bought:



I think what drew me to this game was it’s basically about building cities on islands. I always get insecure when I play a game where you can create something on your own because I’m frequently surrounded by people who do it ten times better and make mine look so basic!

But this game’s customization and building seem humble compared to everything else I’ve tried so far. The only thing you really have to worry about is building the city on the island and getting a high score. Good enough for me.

Little Nightmares

Little Nightmares on Steam

I was drawn to this game for its interesting atmospheric setting and it’s about someone called Six trying to escape the Maw who consumes many and corrupts their souls. At least that’s what I think it’s about, I like these types of horror games and find myself playing more and more horror games lately, so it’s another to add to the library.

Interesting take on the graphics too and there are also additional DLCs to add with extra adventures that I can’t wait to experience.


DARQ: Complete Edition on Steam

This game I wasn’t sure I wanted to buy, I liked the concept so I gave in when it was part of the sale. It’s about a boy named Lloyd trapped inside a lucid dream and he must find a way to decipher its meaning. I’m guessing that’s the only way he’ll be able to wake up from it.

From the videos, you can tell it’s full of elements that anyone would see in their dreams like shifting walls, being unable to run from something, etc. I frequently experience these things in my dreams so it will be interesting to see how that plays out in this game. The DLCs were also free too!


Journey on Steam

Published by the same company that released Flower, this game appears to be about an adventure through ruins and dunes to discover the secrets they hold.

I like how you do more than just walk, but you also fly too and people need to realize that video games can be more than just about gameplay. It’s also about story and atmosphere and I’ve discovered so many amazing titles with beautiful environments. This game might just be one of those as well.

I can’t wait to see what I get to discover in these ancient ruins, maybe that’s where the story will unfold!


Unpacking on Steam

A simple indie game that is about exactly as it is called. You are unpacking boxes in rooms of a house or apartment for whoever has moved into that place. It requires a little bit of puzzle-solving as to where items go and sometimes not all of them go in the room you’re working on, so you might have to switch between rooms occasionally. Critics have praised this game to be heartfelt as each place you unpack tells a story about who’s living there, and I look forward to seeing how that is.

Some players have given it negative reviews for it regularly priced at $20 and being a short game, well it only came out a few months ago! I’ve played many heartwarming indie games that aren’t long so I’ve got an open mind towards this game.

Other than that I got some DLCs for Little Nightmares, two soundtracks for The Witcher III’s two expansions and a DLC for Farm Together. A pretty decent haul, albeit a little smaller, but hey Steam’s deals are hard to resist!

What did you get for the Lunar New Year Sale?


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6 thoughts on “Steam Lunar New Year Sale 2022 – What I Bought”

  1. Journey is such an amazing game. Or non-game, as gameplay itself is not very hard, it is more of an atmospheric experience.

    I wrote about this on my page as well, but it has one of the most surprising endings.

    Also, if you enjoy Journey, I recommend Abzû as well, very similar game, maybe even more beautiful than Journey.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. No such thing as so little time. You have to make time. I work twelve hour shifts days and nights and on my days off I do some gaming once I’m done other duties. It’s not difficult. 😉


      1. No but I know many big gamers with kids. One of my friends is a PC gamer like me. She has a young son and still manages to make time for gaming. I work 12 hour shifts, day in and day out and I still manage to make time for gaming. Time management is an easy skill to learn. 😊


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