Music and Bands

Storm Back and Tell the Phantom is on Heroin – Music of January 2022

Welcome to the first monthly music edition of 2022! Some of these songs I already had lined up to feature even before January even arrived. What can I say? I like to plan ahead! Battle Beast - Eye Of The Storm I've asked myself this question before but why don't I listen to this… Continue reading Storm Back and Tell the Phantom is on Heroin – Music of January 2022

Music and Bands

Problems With Being A Female Metalhead

It's not easy being a Metalhead in a mainstream world listening to pop or rap music, but being a female Metalhead has unique challenges as well. I fail to understand why there is still some belief that heavy metal is a "boy's genre" it just enforces the stereotype that girls only listen to romantic pop… Continue reading Problems With Being A Female Metalhead


End The R-Word

There are many words in the dictionary that sound outrageous that I never use them, but one word, in particular, stands out that I came to despise once I realized how it was being used in a derogatory way. The word is retard(ed). There I said it, that is the only time I will type… Continue reading End The R-Word


My Favourite Video Game Merchants

In video games, there are always NPCs we interact with. There's NPCs that give us quests and reward us for completing them, those we can start a relationship, with or choices we make will affect their the outcome of their survival. But, one group of NPCs that isn't mentioned a lot is merchants. Any sort… Continue reading My Favourite Video Game Merchants


Grammarly Premium Should I Use It?

When I'm considering what to write for a blog post or a fanfiction, the words come to me like wildfire as I brainstorm or speak it out loud when I'm alone of course, but the moment I sit down to actually write it, it feels like my brain just went blank. Then before I know… Continue reading Grammarly Premium Should I Use It?


Call of Cthulhu – Path to Madness

Welcome to my first game review of 2022! Another game beat, it seems that I've spent the last few months clearing the horror games on my backlog the most since I've started to enjoy survival horror games more! This one I had to play since I'm a Lovecraft fan, it's inspired by his most famous… Continue reading Call of Cthulhu – Path to Madness


The Two Princesses of Bamarre – Quest for the Gray Death Cure

Starting off 2022 with another childhood book review that I never got a chance to read by the same author. I always feel like all I do when on the night shift is work and sleep, but when it's quiet, I can do lots of reading. This story takes place in the kingdom of Bamarre.… Continue reading The Two Princesses of Bamarre – Quest for the Gray Death Cure