Music and Bands

Bite Strong and Love Religion of the Hammer – Music of December 2021

I slept all morning after working my last night shift for the month and woke once I started to crave some tea. Before working nights for the first time in October, I read countless tips online about how to survive them. Some people said drink your caffeine or take an afternoon nap prior to the… Continue reading Bite Strong and Love Religion of the Hammer – Music of December 2021


The Weeks of Reading Fruits Basket

It's not often that I pick up manga series and read my way through all its volumes like I used to. But ever since I got my Kobo, I've discovered some series I wanted to read. Like, Fruits Basket is a popular shojo series consisting of twenty-three volumes. I read bits and pieces some of… Continue reading The Weeks of Reading Fruits Basket


Why You Should Not Support Autism Speaks

Well, here we are. “Autism Awareness Month.” The time of year in which talks about autism will permeate well into the public consciousness. One of the larger organizations you will see leading the charge this month is one called Autism Speaks. This is rather unfortunate, as Autism Speaks is a charity that is loathed by the autistic… Continue reading Why You Should Not Support Autism Speaks

fandoms, Life

Why Pronouns Are Important

In the 21st century, gender identity and sex are two separate things, not to be confused with one another. In order to be more inclusive, many websites such as Instagram offer users the ability to add their pronouns to their profile. This may not seem like a big deal to a lot of people, but… Continue reading Why Pronouns Are Important

Music and Bands

What I Listened To In 2021

I know what it is I listened to in 2021, and with my impressive memory and digital library owned by myself so that no streaming company can touch it, here's what I was listening to the most in 2021, no Spotify wrapped required! Orden Ogan Orden Ogan finally released their new album Final Days in… Continue reading What I Listened To In 2021


Dead Space 3 – The Necromorph Moon

I normally don't like leaving game reviews if I didn't like a game, but I will say that yeah this game wasn't for me. But there were a couple of things that made it enjoyable. My friend told me the third Dead Space game was his favourite so I tried to keep an open mind,… Continue reading Dead Space 3 – The Necromorph Moon


Little Misfortune – Fox Protector, Monster Child Abductor

Happiness to the blog! I spent last weekend playing another indie game in the backlog and I am torn whether to consider it an adventure or a horror game because it does have some scary elements to it. Either way, it was an interesting game with beautiful graphics. That game is Little Misfortune. Misfortune is… Continue reading Little Misfortune – Fox Protector, Monster Child Abductor


Stop Telling Me What To Play Next

There are two types of gamers in the world who like to share with others what they think is great. Gamers who make suggestions what they think fellow gamers might enjoy. Then there are gamers who almost demand other gamers what they should play because it is what they are playing and seem to think… Continue reading Stop Telling Me What To Play Next