
Kittens and Scumdogs

I never have dreams about GWAR, and I don’t talk much about them in terms of music or the band members but they are a hilarious bunch that make some great music.

This time I actually did have a dream about them. I was hoping it would be something really brutal that wouldn’t be appropriate to write here, but it’s not so it’s okay to share on this blog!

I was in my local mall just browsing and in the central plaza, the animal shelter brought some rescue kittens and puppies for people to meet. It reminds me so much of the time I had to go to Pet Valu to get some more cat food and the shelter brought some kittens in that day.

I looked at the kittens and wanted to pet and hold every single one of them. I was also wearing one of my GWAR shirts, and just as I was holding a small black kitten, that was when I heard the booming voices of the band members burst into the mall telling all the “human filth” to step aside so they could see the creatures. Everyone fled because society is just fucking terrified of metal musicians for some reason which is a real pity. I was the only one who stayed and Blothar looked at me chuckling and said I could stay once he saw my shirt. I think he called me a maggot or something.

I continued to pet the black kitty while chatting with Sawborg and Pustulus, the latter is a cat person in real life! Then I was laughing about some stuff with Sawborg because sometimes I interact with him on Instagram and he’s a hilarious dude, like the time I caught his livestream and he responded to me.

That’s all I really remember of this dream and I’ve been spending my days off doing as much writing as possible so I’ve got some other content coming up shortly.


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