
Off To The Village We Go

I must have been riding in the Duke’s carriage in last night’s dream because I remember sitting somewhere where a lot of trinkets were hanging around as the whole placed moved and some overweight fellow was sitting next to me with a glass of wine chattering away to me about whatever place I was going.

All I know about him is that he is a merchant, I didn’t fall into the trap of looking at some of his footage like did with Lady Dimitrescu and Heisenberg. An action I almost regret doing after a few months have past from it, but I’m sure I still would have fallen for Karl even if I didn’t.

But that being said what I did see from the game is nothing compared to how much of Dragon Age Inquisition I saw before playing it myself!

While the game installed last night, I watched the trailers to get the internal hype train rolling and went to bed once it finished. I was hoping I’d dream about Karl again, but instead I got the Duke, and followed by that, I was walking down through what looked like the village on a winter day until I came to a large house. I wandered inside unarmed and kept seeing things, a woman in black standing at the end of the hall, when I tried to approach her, she suddenly vanished. I must have been hallucinating as I heard strange thumping noises around me and started to look for an exit. Unfortunately that is all I remember of that dream.

Each of the lords are going to have something terrfying for me and I’ll just have to do whatever I can to survive. Please don’t send your crazy experiments after me Karl, whatever they are!

Who would have thought those dreams I had of him and Lady D would lead me to playing this game? I don’t think I even remember the cutscenes I watched early on when my curiosity got the better of me at this point.

What matters now is that enough things have interested me to play. Karl is handsome and is my newest fictional crush, Lady D a beautiful and deadly countess, Donna is mysterious, and Salvatore is creepy. I’m starting another horror game journey tonight, off to the village we go!


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