Music and Bands

Demons and Memories Like Love and Noise – Music of May 2021

I'm back again. I didn't do this last month because of a lot of personal issues and losses I was going through. Even though I had all the songs lined up, I realized that I was just too upset and had all these tearful tunes that would risk me revealing a lot of things that… Continue reading Demons and Memories Like Love and Noise – Music of May 2021

Music and Bands

Virtual Worlds To Escape Into

When virtual shows became a thing last year, I originally shunned them because nothing can replace going to the event myself and seeing it all with my own eyes, even if there was still room for interaction because artists have to make money somehow in times like this. What made me change my mind was… Continue reading Virtual Worlds To Escape Into


Countess In The Castle

Well, what was that? I have never had a dream that is about something that I am not into! A little backstory first. Everyone knows the Resident Evil games, there are tons of them and there's movies too. But they have not grabbed attention yet, probably because I wouldn't know where to begin and there… Continue reading Countess In The Castle


No, I Will Still Watch Aquaman Even If It Has Amber

Ah another example of a time where I know how to separate reality from fiction and creation from the creator. Last year a few of my friends from college and concerts were sharing links to a petition to fire Amber Heard so she wouldn't be in the Aquaman sequel. I wanted to wait until the… Continue reading No, I Will Still Watch Aquaman Even If It Has Amber


What Remains of Edith Finch – Pieces of a Lost Family

Another indie game completed. Sometimes I just need to prioritize squeezing these in between the bigger games I play (and replay!) and then I discover that it doesn't take me long to complete indie games like these. Today's indie game review is none other than What Remains of Edith Finch. I have seen a couple… Continue reading What Remains of Edith Finch – Pieces of a Lost Family

books, Movies

The Alternate Doom Stories

What I'm about to do might be classified as controversial and I shudder at writing this a little. But then I remember I wanted to do it anyway. It started when I was browsing the Kobo store one night. Ever since I got myself a Kobo I've frequently searched for novels related to things I… Continue reading The Alternate Doom Stories


Movies I Love That Were Poorly Received

The idea for this article came to me when I was talking with a friend who told me how much she loved this reboot in a certain film franchise and suggested that I see it. I don't talk about movies often and I used to review them the same way I review video games now.… Continue reading Movies I Love That Were Poorly Received


My Favorite Darksiders Boss Fights Part II

Continuing on with this series, the second Darksiders game has even more boss fights than the last and this time it's more about just hitting em until they die, rather than aiming for certain weak spots. I've had to also rely on timing my dodges and using certain Wrath abilities to turn the tide. I… Continue reading My Favorite Darksiders Boss Fights Part II