Music and Bands

Candles and Trouble at the Arrival of the Army of Abaddon – Music of November 2020

What creative titles I come up with when I write these posts! It’s weird, but it’s how I like to do it. Some people just simply put the music of the month thing, or they do something more general like “Currently….” yadda yadda, but I love using music to describe my life each month, so that’s how I roll with this.

While I try really hard not to get triggered by you know, here’s what I’ve been listening to.

Within Temptation – Candles

One night, I sat down to listen to Within Temptation’s debut album and it was definitely not what I was used to hearing from them. In a way, it’s darker and this the track I liked the most with the beautiful soft intro before it gets to the heavier part. Makes me want to just sit in a dark room with candles and let the atmosphere soak me in.

I’m reminded how there are some bands I like, like Within Temptation or Xandria where I have not explored all of their discography yet, something I need to do at some point. A beautiful song nonetheless.

Basixx feat. Tash – If You’re Looking For Trouble

This is not what I normally what I listen to, but I started exercising more this month with my mom. We use workout videos, and one of the cardio ones and this song was used on a portion of the exercise. Sometimes, no matter the genre, the song just has a key, melody, or lyrics that just catch my ears and make me think of something I love and then I enjoy it.

I would exercise or dance to this any day, it also makes me think of myself dancing with Promethean Knights as my backup dancers! The pre-chorus lyrics: I don’t wanna fight, peace is what I like, I’m not backing down, it reminds me of the Didact fanfiction I wrote on Wattpad years ago where my character swears to find a way to help the Didact redeem himself once she realizes her feelings for him. That fanfiction I never finished a sequel I thought I was going to do because I couldn’t come up with a conflict, but one thing I have learned is to just go with the flow as I write and everything will eventually unfold. I may revisit doing a sequel someday.

Neil Davidge – Arrival

From Halo 4’s OST again. I got super busy this month because Halo 4 on MCC released on PC, plus three shows I watch decided to return within a two-week period. I binged at Halo 4 again, and this is another track I greatly enjoy that plays when you reach the Composer and have to disable the shielding around the Didact as he prepares to target Earth. There’s lots of Prometheans to fight, but the music motivates me to do my very best. My fanfiction also depicts a similar part during this score.

It only gets better as you keep listening, Neil’s work is definitely underappreciated. I won’t highlight the best parts, just listen and find out for yourself.

Delain – Army of Dolls

When I saw Delain for the first time, this is the first song that appealed to me. I wrote my own version for it called Army of Knights, and since I’m currently working on a drawing of a Promethean Knight, then why not add this song to it? I shouldn’t have to tell you what I picture when I listen to this song.

It’s epic all around and all it takes is a song like this to get me into the band. Because of that, this is the metal song that I choose for the Didact.

Cris Velasco – Battle With Abaddon

Nothing like some badass final boss music to conclude this month! Why? Because one year ago, I entered the world of Darksiders, and somehow I knew right away that I was going to love it, starting with War’s journey to find the Destroyer and clear his name. It felt great to fight that beast on horseback, and then to see Abaddon emerge out of it, and tear his wings off before killing him. As Uriel said:

Reap what you have sown betrayer.

Must have been heartbreaking for her, she did love him after all. Now I am on the prequel Genesis and its story has started to get even better once I encountered and defeated the corrupted angel Astarte. This series is definitely going on my list of re-playable games! Welcome to my space in my heart of favorite games Darksiders! I remember fighting Abaddon for the first time, I didn’t look at any guides, I just winged it and kicked his ass and it felt great, so this track suits the fight well, it sounds like something that belongs on a power metal album!

That’s a wrap for November, I’m almost done my Christmas shopping, and I’ve been a bit anxious about that lately because I’m worried another potential lockdown might stall or delay any deliveries. I’ve also started writing fanfiction again and have been rotating between three stories, one chapter at a time. Even if I have no antagonist or ending planned, I try to just go with the flow when I write and eventually something will come to me.

I also have a new skin care addiction thanks to one of my coworkers, well here we go with another workweek, I do two evening shifts, one on a Friday, let’s hope I make it through them.


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