Music and Bands

Candles and Trouble at the Arrival of the Army of Abaddon – Music of November 2020

What creative titles I come up with when I write these posts! It's weird, but it's how I like to do it. Some people just simply put the music of the month thing, or they do something more general like "Currently...." yadda yadda, but I love using music to describe my life each month, so… Continue reading Candles and Trouble at the Arrival of the Army of Abaddon – Music of November 2020


My Different Taste In Cuteness

Sometimes, something takes the Internet by storm and everyone is oohing and awwwing at how adorable it is, while I on the other hand am just meh over it. For example, when The Mandalorian was first announced, I was eager that we were getting something new from Star Wars, which I hoped would be a… Continue reading My Different Taste In Cuteness


Lorelai – A Single Incapacitated Parasite

This is the last game in the Devil Came Through Here trilogy taking place after the events of The Cat Lady and Downfall. First thing I noticed about this game was, huge improvement in the graphics so the game does look very good when you start it. The story is about Laura Wood, or as… Continue reading Lorelai – A Single Incapacitated Parasite


My Favourite Witcher III Side Quests

Ah yes side quests, the additional things you can do in an RPG game designed to distract you from the game's main story so you'll never complete it. We have dismissed that claim. Actually, the beauty of side quests in any game is that they add additional story to the game, even if it is… Continue reading My Favourite Witcher III Side Quests