Music and Bands

Sick of Life in the Deadite Abyss Phantom – Music of October 2020

October has been a month where I’ve either been happy or angry and the best way I can avoid the latter, is to not read the news!

I must be the only person who finds that works for me, no the title of this post is not endorsing suicide, combining words in song titles is how I normally do these posts every month! Here are the songs for October.

GWAR – Sick Of You

When a specific person or humanity in general pisses me off, this is the song that I listen to, and it’s actually the first GWAR song I heard. I grew tired of hearing the comparison and conflict between them and Lordi how GWAR fans kept stating Lordi rips them off (though I’ve done my research and Mr. Lordi has stated countless times that no they are not, and he didn’t even know GWAR existed, in fact there are many other bands that dress up as monsters too!) and Lordi fans sometimes even hate on GWAR for no apparent reason.

I almost fell into the trap of hating GWAR, especially when I saw an interview with Oderus that he wanted to challenge Mr. Lordi to a fight to the death and he even killed a dummy of him at one of their concerts by setting its head on a stick and then burning it. But, as time went by, I realized what was the point of hating? So, I decided to do some research and learned that the band does this all the time with other musicians, politicians, and other well-known public figures, I also learned that they were hilarious guys and their songs were not that bad, some of them I even came to love like this one!

Anyway, I would always listen to this song when someone makes me mad, but right now it’s more like this damn pandemic is making me mad inside so you can imagine my mind I’m going “Covid I’m so sick, so sick of you!” this song is catchy enough for it whether I’m angry at someone or I just want to hear it in general. I don’t pick sides anymore when it comes to bands, there is nothing wrong with enjoying both GWAR and Lordi and that’s what I’ve chosen to do, even if the latter I love more. Forever in the neutral zone.

No Doubt- It’s My Life

I forget how beautiful Gwen Stefani is, how many of you remember this one?

Another one of those anthem songs for me that I can make my own decisions in life, yeah I know the music video acts as if justifying like making those bad ones is okay. Well, it’s not but still you get the picture, just don’t go and kill people okay?

This is a apparently a remaster and I haven’t been able to find the original audio of the song, this is the one I always hear on the radio and it’s pretty good.

Lordi – The Deadite Girls Gone Wild

This is an awesome Lordi song that definitely needs more love and I really wish I got to hear it live when I saw them! I know The Arockalypse album is the era of Lordi that you could consider the most mainstream, and perhaps at this point, it’s an era that Lordi wishes to forget because of Eurovision, but I don’t care what anyone says, it’s still my absolute favorite Lordi album.

I used to head-bang and mimic Mr. Lordi to this song in the den when nobody was home, I still do the latter from time to time when appropriate! I’m sure that cape is still in my drawers somewhere, now if only I could just remember to dig it out….. this song is catchy as hell and I genuinely wouldn’t know where to begin if I tried to explain to you why I think it is, it’s just great and I love it.

Epica – Abyss of Time – Countdown to Singularity

While I was still trying to get over the fact that I wouldn’t get Final Days this year, I owe it Epica for distracting me enough to accept that reality. I was worried that I wasn’t going to get any new music from any bands I love, well I was wrong.

Epica put out this new single out a few a weeks ago, and it caught me by surprise and it sounds so powerful, so anthem-like, my favorite part is the pre-chorus. The music video looks great too, with lots of cool effects, Simone looks stunning, Mark actually looks hot in that hood and cloak, I like that part where he and Simone are back to back in the beginning.

I recently learned that Rob is also a cat lover, just like Mark yay! Metalheads + cats = perfection. So, Epica will have a new album in 2021, another thing to look forward to, especially since I need to listen to more of their music, I feel like all of the symphonic metal bands I listen to, I only have listened to two or three albums except for Nightwish, speaking of which……

Nightwish – The Phantom of the Opera

Another Nightwish song? Well, I can’t help myself it seems, after writing about how I desperately wish I could get some new music from my favorite bands in times like these, and then it was suggested to me that I discover some new bands, well I have to be in the right mood for it. When I’m anxious about shit in the world that I can’t control and want it gone, I prefer to stay on familiar grounds, so you could say that’s why I started to explore Nightwish more.

I’ve finally got the band member’s names down in my head and now I give you this song. Please don’t mind me as I melt over the keyboards while I listen to this! Oh Tuomas….why do you do this to me? This song is so pretty, I forgot it existed because whenever I think of this album, I only think of Ever Dream.

Marco does some great backing vocals on this song too, and I recently watched a live version of this song performed in Helsinki and Tarja looks gorgeous, Tuomas looks dreamy, Marco = badass, etc. hahaha. I think this song just went from three stars to five for me, it’s so epic I hope they play it next time I see them! The song is actually a cover of the original version from the play of the same name, no I haven’t seen it, perhaps I should someday.

That’s it for this month, happy Halloween everyone! I know there’s not much we can do to celebrate it, but we can cuddle up on the couch and watch horror films if we like. I personally have read a lot of Lovecraft this month from my Necronomicon, the last story I finished was The Shadow over Innsmouth and it was damn creepy, it’s like he becomes one of them, hail the almighty Dagon, you need just as much love as Cthulhu.


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