
The Horror Tag

Oh goodie! A horror tag! Well, it is October after all! I should talk more about my horror taste more since I watch movies, play games, and read horror from time to time, especially that grimoire I have for a book full of weird tales by Lovecraft.

So what questions do you have for me? Let’s start!

How old were you when you saw your first horror movie?

Probably eighteen when I saw was it Drag Me to Hell? Or did I watch something else before that? I know that that’s the time where I started to get into horror and heavy metal so it was either that or Hellraiser.

What was the first horror movie you saw?

I have no clue to be honest, like I said, it must be one of those two I answered above, or was it Stay Alive? Yeah, I think it was, it’s a story about a video game based on the Countess Elizabeth Bathory.

It was pretty gruesome despite the concept being so typical to die for real after dying in the game. Still, can you believe Elizabeth was a real person who committed such terrible murders? The game is apparently real too, I wonder if I can buy it somewhere.

Your favorite horror movie?

I love Dark Floors, it’s a horror film that my favorite band Lordi stars in. Although the film’s plot and other features did not go as the band planned it to be, I still loved it for its suspense, score and that it has Lordi in it, duh. My only complaint is I wish they appeared more often in it, and spoke. Certain ones don’t come until the very end.

I also love the movies from the Alien and Conjuring universe and The Shining.

Do you prefer gore or thrillers?

First off, horror is more than just those two categories. Horror is made up of several subgenres just like heavy metal. They involve: supernatural, psychological, slasher, Lovecraftian, etc.

I think thrillers can classify as horror to some degree. If you enjoy Black Swan and Wait Until Dark for example. I enjoy the suspense they offered but I like supernatural horror a lot more since it deals with monsters, demons and possession, as well as psychological and Lovecraftian horror.

As for gore, I can handle it to a certain limit. While I liked the story in Hellraiser the gore was too much for me, especially with the hooked chains. That was quite over the top brutal!

If you got trapped in one scary movie, which would you choose?

Again, going with Dark Floors for obvious reasons. Let’s just say I replace the current protagonist, I will be wandering around the empty hospital trying to find out where everyone went and soon I begin to hear noises around the corner, starting with that woman in the wheelchair where I discover her eyes clawed out. Then I know I need to find a way out.

I run encountering each of the monsters until Mr. Lordi finally corners me in the parking garage, but my fate will not be the same as Sarah’s.

If you were in a horror movie, would you be the final girl, the first to die, the comic relief, the smart one, or the killer?

The final girl if I were to continue with the same movie above. If it were a different movie, then the smart one who figures out how to banish the demon possessing the final girl.

While watching a horror movie, are you the person who yells at the characters, the person covering their eyes the whole time, or the person who falls asleep?

Neither, I don’t yell at the characters. In fact, when I’m watching horror, I’ll have my eyes glued to the screen during a scene like in one of the Conjuring films I’ll be saying in my head things like: turn around or don’t go in there just before the demon starts to haunt whatever character is currently on the screen.

But most of the time I just let myself be surprised no matter the imminent jump scares or gore that comes my way.

Do you have to watch something happy after watching a horror movie so you can go to sleep?

Oh God no, who in the name of the Creator would do that?

I go on about my evening after watching a horror film and if it’s late, I’ll go to bed with the lights off reminding myself that there is no such thing as ghosts, phantoms, etc. If I have a nightmare, then at least it’ll be a cool one, but I don’t mind it.

Have you ever played a horror game? What is your favorite horror game?

I’ve played a few so far some indie and some bigger than that.

I really enjoyed Dead Space II it had a lot of shocking moments and I will play the rest of the series. Necromorphs are pretty damn terrifying but I look forward too it again, except for the eye needle part.

If you got trapped in one horror game, what horror game would it be?

Let me see, once again I wouldn’t mind being trapped in the Dead Space universe. It’ll be just me and my Plasma Cutter and Line Gun against the Necromorphs as I search the empty station for a way off.

I would be constantly alert to my surroundings listening and watching for any signs of them nearby. That’s the thing about Dead Space, you have to keep your eyes and ears open since you don’t have a motion tracker!

So, you want to do this tag? Here are the questions for you to copy and paste, happy writing!

How old were you when you saw your first horror movie?

What was the first horror movie you saw?

What is your favorite horror movie?

Do you prefer gore or thrillers?

If you got trapped in one scary movie, which would you choose?

If you were in a horror movie, would you be the final girl, the first to die, the comic relief, the smart one, or the killer?

While watching a horror movie, are you the person who yells at the characters, the person covering their eyes the whole time, or the person who falls asleep?

Do you have to watch something happy after watching a horror movie so you can go to sleep?

Have you ever played a horror game? What is your favorite horror game?

If you got trapped in one horror game, what would you want it to be?


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4 thoughts on “The Horror Tag”

  1. I have no idea what was the first horror film I saw, or how old I was. I grew up watching Hammer films on TV, so I’m sure my first film would have involved Christopher Lee, or Peter Cushing, or both.

    I still prefer tension to gore, and tend to sit transfixed by whatever film I’m watching.

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