TV Series

The Witcher S1 E4 – Of Banquets, Bastards, and Burials

Another episode down, this one was another full of major events. Time goes by fast and they’re starting to catch up to one another. Here we go:

Yennefer (1240)

Yennefer’s timeline has now jumped three decades ahead as she escorts Queen Kalis. They are attacked by an assassin with a monster which I could not identify. Kalis deduces that her failure to produce an heir is the cause of this.

I didn’t understand why Yen thought the only solution to ward off this assassin was just to continue creating portals, because the assassin continued to follow them regardless until succeeding in killing Kalis and the newborn daughter at the last minute, dying the same way Dobby did at the hands of Bellatrix.

That being said, this episode did bring out Yen’s badassery which makes me love her. But, as she is last seen burying the baby, does she began to realize what she has given up so abruptly.

Geralt (1249)

Geralt attends the betrothal feast for Princess Pavetta, Queen Calanthe’s daughter. This is the part where I got confused because I thought, wait isn’t the latter already dead? Also that’s not Ciri! Then I had to remind myself that this takes place at a different time before the fall of Cintra.

Geralt doesn’t seem to enjoy these parties that much and Pavetta isn’t very enthusiastic about it either until Urcheon of Erlenwald a.k.a. Duny walks in. He is afflicted by a curse that makes him look like a porcupine, I told you curses in this universe were creepy! I mean, there was also Vivienne in the Blood and Wine DLC with a curse that turned her into an oriole.

One conflict leads to another until Pavetta is revealed to have the same power as Ciri. She unleashes a maelstrom and floats with Duny in the air Shrek 2 style. Was this her attempt to lift the curse? Well, what did lift the curse was they get married afterward and Geralt leaves invoking the Law of Surprise, whatever that is, but it seems to seal one’s fate.

Ciri (1263)

Things are starting to get dark here in the present, Nilfgaard is hunting for Ciri and Fringilla is part of the search party. She and the others begin to search for her and meanwhile, Ciri encounters the Dryads and their queen who eventually make her drink from the water of Brokilon.

This shows her a vision of another tree whispering something to her. All I know about Ciri’s story in this series is that she’s supposed to find Geralt, as he is her destiny. I know I sound a bit negative, but nothing has been interesting me on her timeline and I guess that’s just my opinion.

But anyway, not a bad episode. It definitely had some surprises.

Rating: 3.5 out of 5.


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