
The Only Strife I Choose To Keep

Basic title eh? Well what else could I come up for the white rider? The first two titles were too forward.

Given how much I love Darksiders now, I wanted the Horsemen in my room. It went from having only my favourite one to having all four!

Welcome home Strife! He arrived a month after I placed the order which wasn’t long after I ordered Fury. That wait time felt like eternity and I thought he was going to take even longer than that due to COVID-19 related delays.

But here he is! I know I’m going to meet him in-game soon within the third game and I’m sure he’ll be great. Might be a while though since I’ve only defeated 2 of the 7 deadly sins. But enough of that! I love how he keeps both Mercy and Redemption crossed in front of him and the way he keeps his head down makes him look mysterious and badass.

Redemption looks a lot like a typical pistol you’d see a cop or hunter carrying in a movie, and he’s got holsters as you can see to hold the weapons and ammo as well, he’s a real soldier Strife! I noticed he also has some hair at the back so I wonder if that face is actually a mask?

He and Death have something in common then.

Strife’s got a bit of a cape here which makes him look even cooler. On this side is his other weapon Mercy, which I think is more for close range. I prefer to look at him from this side due to the cape.

If he were to have his own game, I wonder what other additional weapons he could get, maybe a dagger?

Above all, he looks great and I can’t wait to see him in Genesis, ooh wouldn’t it be great to see him right now in the third game? When I saw the trailer, there was a scene where Fury reunites with the other three Horsemen, so I will get to see him after all!

I wanted to get this post up last week, but I got sidetracked with some other shit I had to do.

Well, here you go, all four Horsemen on my shelf!

Worth. Every. Single. Dime. Thank you to the two sellers on eBay for sending these to a new fangirl! This is the most I’ve ever spent on action figures ever, and I regret to say this but it is necessary: After years of adding new figures, swapping them out, giving away the ones I no longer wanted, I unfortunately have come to the decision that I have enough in my collection now. Got no more room but even if I did, this would still be enough for me.

I remember a few months back, I only wanted to get War, but then when I found myself starting to like Death as well, I knew I was about to go down another inescapable rabbit hole. My bank account cried at me, but I couldn’t resist. Though War is my true love, I love all the four Horsemen greatly. Death can be my brother, Fury is my sister, and Strife can be like my best friend.

So, with that being said, I know I haven’t met any readers who have been reading these posts about my Darksiders journey obtaining these figures, so I’d like to hear from you which Horsemen is your favourite? You don’t have to be a fan of the franchise to answer the question, but just tell me which one looks the coolest to you?

Have a good weekend everyone, I’ll be working, but I’ll be thinking about all the moments I’ve had in the third game with Fury until I can play again once I come home from a shift!


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