Music and Bands

A Playground Legend from a Century ago High above Alejandro – Music of June 2020

It's really hard to make these titles make actual sense. I mean, I could just do what everyone else does when it comes to doing similar stuff every month, but I like to do things differently, so this is my only options. I had to wear a cotton mask to the shoe store today to… Continue reading A Playground Legend from a Century ago High above Alejandro – Music of June 2020


Golden Afternoon Gardens

So, while everyone else seems to be immersed in ACNH, I have been playing something different simulation-wise despite being an AC veteran. After spending so many hours on Stardew Valley, I decided it was time for something new. My enjoyment of farming games brought me to a game called Farm Together. Same idea as SV,… Continue reading Golden Afternoon Gardens

TV Series

War For Cybertron Returns

Writing this is overdue and with it about a month away, now's the time. My favourite part of the Transformers franchise has always been the war on Cybertron before it comes to Earth: no humans, no eye candy, just Autobots fighting Decepticons. Netflix announced that it will be releasing a series about the war for… Continue reading War For Cybertron Returns


An Arishok’s Love

The last romantic Arishok dream I had didn't make it onto this blog because I felt like it was too personal, and to some readers, they might perceive part of it as abuse before love, so I wrote it somewhere else more private heheh.... anyway, it's been too long since I had a Qunari-related dream.… Continue reading An Arishok’s Love


Darksiders II – Forges, Tombs, and Demon Lords

Welcome to the second part of my Darksiders II review coverage! Now that I've written about the main story, it's time to ramble about the DLCs. I didn't think I was going to cover these because they're not as deep in terms of story if you were to compare it to the DLCs from Mass… Continue reading Darksiders II – Forges, Tombs, and Demon Lords


Diantha with Darkrai

We all have had our share of League Champion battles that were either too easy or so difficult that we screamed into our pillows every time we failed. I remember I had so much trouble with Colosseum Leader Dusty in Battle Revolution for some reason. He would always pick the same Pokemon as me and… Continue reading Diantha with Darkrai


Darksiders II Deathinative Editon – Thus From Death Came Life

The journey so far...... the Horseman who we all thought was meant to bring death, did the exact opposite. Starting this game every time I wanted to play, felt like playing The Witcher 3 again with the narration that gave me a recap of where I was. That's right, Darksiders II is complete and it's… Continue reading Darksiders II Deathinative Editon – Thus From Death Came Life


It Is Okay To Be Single But It Is Not Okay To Shame People Who Choose To Be

Exhibit A: Person: Do you have a boyfriend? Me: No not right now. My priority is my career. Person: Aww that's too bad, well keep your hopes, up you'll find someone! Me: ........ Exhibit B: Person: Tell me about yourself, do you have a boyfriend? Me: Nah, I don't need one. Person: Don't you ever… Continue reading It Is Okay To Be Single But It Is Not Okay To Shame People Who Choose To Be


Too Early to Release the Fury? I Think Not!

This feels like cheating. I haven't officially met you yet, but the moment I saw you in the trailers: you're full of honor and loyalty, but sometimes you are aggressive. I knew I'm going to like you already. I'm almost done Darksiders II, which would have been sooner had I prioritized it a little more… Continue reading Too Early to Release the Fury? I Think Not!