
The Rapid Fire Book Tag

Alright, it’s time to do another tag! I saw this one from Michelle on her blog: A Geek Girl’s Guide, so I’m gonna do my version now.

Doubtful I can give you quick responses cause it is not my style but let’s see what happens.

1. E-Book or Physical Book?

Nothing beats physical. I like to hold a book in my hands and stick a cute bookmark to save for later. You can’t do that with e-books.

2. Paperback or Hardback?

Both, though paperback is easier to take with me when I travel.

3. Online or In-Store Book Shopping?

Both, but it’s getting harder to buy in-store these days…unfortunately.

4. Trilogies or Series?

Depends on what kind of story you have in mind and the amount of characters so I’m open to both.

5. Heroes or Villains?

Heroes definitely! Unless, you can give me a villain with a lot of depth and backstory, oh wait, that was Claude Frollo from Hunchback. Now he was a great villain but also never was completely for the entire book which is what made him great.

6. A book you want everyone to read?

Again, this goes to Hunchback. It may be hard to follow but I couldn’t put it down as soon as I got into it. You can read my review here.

However, it does contain spoilers so don’t read my review if you haven’t read the book yet!

7. Recommend an underrated book?

A graphic novel called Everyone’s an aliebn when ur an aliebn too” Don’t let the typos dissuade you, it’s actually misspelled on purpose and you’ll learn why as you read it.

8. The last book you finished

Dragon Age: The Masked Empire. It was decent but I couldn’t come up with something reasonable to put in a review. But if you’re into the elves and Orlais when it comes to Dragon Age, you’ll like it.

9. The Last Book You Bought?

I haven’t bought any books lately since everything I’ve read recently was given to me for Christmas.

10. Weirdest Thing You’ve Used as a Bookmark?

A large paperclip with a pink cat on top.

11. Used Books: Yes or No?

Nah, I like something to be fresh in my hands when I obtain it.

12. Top Three Favourite Genres?

Fantasy, Sci-fi, and Horror. I also read non-fiction, romance, and autobiographies of my favourite musicians from time to time.

13. Borrow or Buy?

I’m quite selective with what I add to my shelf and I like to read books at my own pace without the pressure to finish them by a deadline, so buy.

14. Characters or Plot?

I like to understand the plot first and foremost but characters are definitely important too.

15. Long or Short Books?

Both, sure reading long books means you might read less books within a calendar year but, quality over quanity I always say. It took me half a year to read Gone With the Wind but it was worth it.

16. Long or Short Chapters?

Shorter chapters help me break down the plot easily.

17. Name The First Three Books You Think Of…

Wonder Woman: Warbringer, The Glass Castle, and Paul Stanley’s autobiography: Face the Music.

18. Books That Makes You Laugh or Cry?

I get more emotional over movies and TV shows than I do reading books. Funny though when I read The Fault in Our Stars and watched the film adaptation, it never made me cry despite that everyone claimed it was guaranteed to make you do so.

19. Our World or Fictional Worlds?

I like books that transport me to fictional worlds like Middle-Earth, Thedas, and planets beyond our own or in other galaxies, you name it!

20. Audiobooks: Yes or No?

No thanks. Sure they can be of good use, but I can take in the words myself.

21. Do You Ever Judge a Book by its Cover?

Hell no, if it looks appealing enough, I will read the back and read a few pages before I make a decision.

22. Book to Movie or Book to TV Adaptations?

Once again depends, but if it’s a book series with lots of lore, I think it would be better as a TV series.

23. A Movie or TV-Show You Preferred to its Book?

Charlotte’s Web, I’ve seen two different film adaptations of it, and even a live play, but the book will always be special to me.

24. Series or Standalone’s?

Once again depends on the story the book tells.

Do you want to pass it on? Here are the questions for you to copy and paste.

1. E-Book or Physical Book?

2. Paperback or Hardback?

3. Online or In-Store Book Shopping?

4. Trilogies or Series?

5. Heroes or Villains?

6. A book you want everyone to read?

7. Recommend an underrated book?

8. The last book you finished

9. The Last Book You Bought?

10. Weirdest Thing You’ve Used as a Bookmark?

11. Used Books: Yes or No?

12. Top Three Favourite Genres?

13. Borrow or Buy?

14. Characters or Plot?

15. Long or Short Books?

16. Long or Short Chapters?

17. Name The First Three Books You Think Of…

18. Books That Makes You Laugh or Cry?

19. Our World or Fictional Worlds?

20. Audiobooks: Yes or No?

21. Do You Ever Judge a Book by its Cover?

22. Book to Movie or Book to TV Adaptations?

23. A Movie or TV-Show You Preferred to its Book?

24. Series or Standalone’s?

Happy writing!


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