Music and Bands

Don’t Wanna Love the Flies and Devil Second – Music of January 2020

Well, here we go with the first post of 2020, featuring the music that would describe my January.

I gotta say that it got really interesting since I finally got around to listening to some new albums I’ve received, plus a dose of nostalgia.

Ozzy Osbourne – I Don’t Wanna Stop

This is actually one of the first songs I heard from Ozzy. In my freshman year of high school, I took rotations of different classes, including one that involved video editing and a music video of just on a green screen of this song was what we used.

You could say that that was one of my first exposures to metal aside from my brother’s Guitar Hero game. I kind of got tired of the song during that semester because I kept hearing it constantly while I was working on my project revolved around it, because I would always play it back to make sure I was satisfied with the changes I made.

Now that I listen to it today, it’s actually really good. It reminds me of how far I’ve come in life and that there are many things I want to do. I’m not interested in stopping to settle down, so this song definitely fits me.

A fun fact, when I was still in that class, I would sometimes watch my project in reverse to hear the song backwards and the video was hilarious with the guitarist playing and his hair would suddenly rise up and cover his face. Now that’s what I call a reverse headbang!

Oh and one more thing, I recently found out that Ozzy was diagnosed with Parkinson’s and he’s also had a lot of other health problems. I’ve never been a huge fan of him, but I’ve always respected him, and I personally think at this point he needs to retire and focus on his health.

Avril Lavigne – I Fell In Love With The Devil

This song needed to grow on me a little, when I first listened to the album. But after this music video was released, I started to like it more. It sounds like it’s about a toxic relationship and at first it sounded too soft for me to think it fit with the message. But like i said, it needed its time.

This song describes my fate the moment I decided to check out the Darksiders franchise starting with the first game: The moment I saw War, I was enchanted. He reminded me of the Arishok, just without horns on his head: full of honor, dignity and desire for revenge and justice for the good of restoring the Balance. I was already crushing on him before I even started playing and I didn’t even know it until I did start the game!

I feel like the same thing happened with the Arishok too. Some characters you see prior to playing/reading/watching the source and you just know you’re going to fall in love with them. When I was still in denial about it, this song was playing in my head and I pictured myself dressed up as him wandering through the ruins of a city with Chaoseater.

I haven’t played in almost a week since defeating Silitha, but I will return to it tomorrow night.

Orden Ogan – Lords of the Flies

Is this even the actual music video? I was starting to think that I had selected the wrong one. I got the Vale album as a late Christmas present, and while it has many songs that are stronger than this one, I felt this one was also a great forgotten gem.

The first thing it made me think of is the book Lord of the Flies that I read last year, it was such a disturbing book at times but I couldn’t put it down. I hated how the other boys, with an exception of Ralph, treated Piggy. Simon was also a strange character and I couldn’t stop reading that night I read the last chapter. I prayed that Jack and his party would never catch Ralph.

This song is not as fast and focuses more on melody and orchestral elements compared to other songs by Orden Ogan, but it’s still a beautiful song. It makes me want to read the book again.

Sabaton – Devil Dogs

Ah, finally I listened to this album. I have the history version that gives a little narration of what each song is about. This one in particular got to me because it sounded similar to Smoking Snakes.

This one is about when the US first took part in WWI in the battle of Belleau they were the most fierce opponents the Germans had, they were then dubbed the Devil Dogs or Teufel Hunden in German language. Not much to it, but the narration spoke about how these soldiers seemed rather excited about going into battle.

I think this one would be great live; well all of their songs are great live and it makes me sad that I missed out last time they were here because no doubt they played songs from this album. Maybe next time.

Hammerfall – Second to One

My God, why does Hammerfall always have at least one beautiful song on each of their albums that I come to love? Well, here’s the latest, it sounds so romantic.

Apparently, there’s another version of it featuring Noora Louhimo from Battle Beast (why on earth don’t I listen to that band? I saw them once in 2017 and they were really good, they’re Finnish and power metal for fuck’s sake!) This is the version without her in it since I heard it first.

I can see my best friend teasing me that Joacim would sing this to me since he thinks I have a crush on him. Well, maybe I kind of do, but I’m not as open about it since Hammerfall is not a band that I listen to a lot, and I need to because they’re amazing. Their album art is also badass too. Maybe this is a sign that I will start doing that now. What will this song make me picture in my mind?

Well, that’s it for this month. This week at work has been challenging but I’m still learning everyday. My coworkers are always supportive and I’m grateful. In my personal life I am expecting something from eBay, I want to see if I can defeat Straga this weekend, and I hope to look into starting to save some more.


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