Music and Bands

The Goddess’ Last KISS

I feel so emotional inside writing this now, because last night was my third KISS concert, but it is certainly my final because the band is serious now about retiring after this tour ends.

That being said, it was an absolute blast seeing KISS again as it’s been 4 years since I last saw them. They are one of my favourite bands to see live with their amazing show and catchy songs that I can’t stop listening to, so you dear reader have the privilege of reading about my experience!

I think we had a better view compared to the last two times. I had asked my friend for tickets for my birthday this year, so this was the closest we could afford for both of us.

The opening was David Garibaldi, an artist known for painting famous musicians on stage at a rapid pace. He did Brian Johnson, Freddie Mercury, and KISS. I’m no paint expert but what took him minutes would take me hours to replicate.

I always have gotten butterflies in my stomach whenever this curtain is seen. The one thing I love about concerts is how they can surprise you. Everything seems normal like there’s background music playing, people are getting refreshments or socializing until it suddenly goes dark. It always catches me by surprise, even if I know exactly when the act I’m waiting for is supposed to hit the stage.

Pre-recorded or not, I always start screaming the moment I see the band on the screen walking towards the stage, the usual chant happens, and BAM! The curtain drops and I go ballistic as the band members descend from the platforms onto the stage.

I have quite a lot of photos, and I originally did not plan on taking any, but I would sometimes take my phone out, take one or two, and then put it in my purse for the rest of the song since I want to view it mainly with my own eyes.

Detroit Rock City
You gotta lose your mind in Detroit Rock City!

When they opened with Detroit Rock City, I thought that was just perfect for the set as it’s a Saturday night gig and gives me even more adrenaline from the night before where I was watching the movie with the same name! So that was a nice change from Psycho Circus, which got played later in the set instead. Oh and can I just say I love the lights and pyrotechnics KISS puts into their shows?

Of course, I’m one of those people who doesn’t stay still during concerts, even arena ones. I jump, dance, sing, scream, and imitate Gene to a point where I’d be a millionaire if I had a dollar for the number of times I imitated him that night.

Gene during Calling Dr. Love
Gene during Calling Dr. Love

Anyway, regarding songs, I was pretty much singing my heart out to my favourite gems: I Love it Loud, Black Diamond, I Was Made For Lovin’ You, Love Gun, Calling Dr. Love (during the solo I was shouting at Gene to give me the cure, I’m crazy!), Shout It Out Loud, Deuce, Heaven’s on Fire, Say Yeah, and War Machine which I love how they had a dragon on the screen during that song before Gene breathed fire.

There were also a few surprises thrown in like 100,000 Years where Eric had an awesome drum solo. Plus I got to hear Cold Gin live which was sweet since I don’t think I’ve heard it yet. The opening riff for that song is great, written by Ace and sang by Gene.

Did I scream like no tomorrow during Gene’s bass solo and sing louder than ever during God of Thunder? Absolutely, and it’s worth it despite my sore throat. I of course pretend I’m Gene spitting blood when I’m not screaming. I was going to insert a picture I got from there, but it’s not as good as the one above.

I’ve had a thing for Gene since I became a fan, regardless of his age, and what people say about him. Between now and the last time I saw them, I thought my thing for him was over, but after last night, I realized that I’m definitely still not over him as I was screaming how much I love him. I love him as a musician and the Demon.

Tommy also did some awesome solos during the show and given the fact that he is such a great guitarist, I gave him some extra love too because he gets too much unnecessary hate even more than Eric does because of them wearing the personas that used to be Ace and Peter’s.

Paul being Paul
Paul being Paul

Paul of course does his thing, engaging us in the crowd, flying out to the middle, and sometimes announcing what they will play next. I don’t care what anyone says, he’s still got it, he knows how to entertain us and this was the closest I got to him. He shared with us how he remembers the first time KISS played in Toronto back in the 70’s, one of those times being at Massey Hall. Many Canadians believe that Montreal is the place to be when it comes to music, but I believe that Toronto can be like that too, it just needs to grow in presence. How many times must I suggest it? We should have a metal festival here!

Towards the end were some other surprises like Crazy Nights and then there was Beth where Eric played the silver grand piano and everyone lit their flashlights or lighters during that song. My parents are not KISS fans, but my mom admits she likes the song. One last song with confetti with Rock n Roll All Nite and they went out with a bang!

I left the venue with a happy heart but it still feels bittersweet knowing this is likely the last time I will get to see KISS and have never been able to afford to get closer to the band in terms seating or VIP. Unless I was miraculously able to get enough money for the next KISS Kruise coming up.

Regardless, I will always have my albums to listen to and my merchandise, and of course whatever I dream and fantasize about. KISS will be a band that always remains in my heart and I will retain my identity inside and outside as the Goddess of Thunder forever.

You can read about my two other KISS concerts here:

Gig #1

Gig #2


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