Music and Bands

Storms of Money and Cherished Rocks of Woe – Music of July 2019

Well, that's another month gone of 2019, this year is going faster than I thought. Maybe that's what happens when you spend it getting the motor on your career started which is exactly what I've been doing! The past month I spent job hunting and interviewing and now I have landed a full-time job at… Continue reading Storms of Money and Cherished Rocks of Woe – Music of July 2019


The Movie Remake Reaction Cycle

Hollywood has discovered that redoing certain films is the perfect cash grab. But, a lot of people seem to be against the idea of movie remakes because they believe they are meant to "ruin" the original film if anything is changed. I for one have no issues with remakes, I think they bring in a… Continue reading The Movie Remake Reaction Cycle

Music and Bands

Why I Love Singers

It is no secret that when it comes to band members, I clearly have a thing for the ones that can sing. Not that I don't love the ones who play drums, bass, etc. but I always develop a soft spot for the singer first. I think it's because I love to sing myself, so… Continue reading Why I Love Singers

Music and Bands

The Struggles of a Canadian Fan of European Bands

We all know what it's like, to love something so much, but it isn't easy because of several factors liked limited access and loneliness because you live in a part of world that is far away from where this thing originates, and that thing for me, is bands. I love a lot of bands, and… Continue reading The Struggles of a Canadian Fan of European Bands


We Need To Talk About Black Ariel

Another Disney remake is coming and the cycle may proceed to start once again, with The Little Mermaid. The whole Internet is in an uproar because Disney announced that singer Halle Bailey has been cast as Ariel and the fact that she is black somehow makes her unsuitable for the role. Bull. Shit. Never in… Continue reading We Need To Talk About Black Ariel