Music and Bands

A Speechless Birdie and Clarity Angel Overture – Music of June 2019

So, here we are at another month’s end. While half of it consisted of me finishing up my training and getting licensed, the other half dragged, but it’ll only be temporary.

Here are the highlights:

5. Naomi Scott – Speechless

I went to see the Aladdin remake this month and it was really good. I’m not the kind of fan who has a large amount of high expectations for remakes or lets nostalgia blindness prevent me from watching them. I also do not judge the movie until I see it.

What I loved the most was that Jasmine had a bigger role in this film. She was a stronger character; if not always in need of saving, and she gets her own song.

The first time I heard this song, it gave me goosebumps and it was very short until a longer version came later in the film that pleased me. The one from the soundtrack appears to be at a different key, but I still love it: it’s very empowering and shows that Jasmine wants to decide her own fate. Well done.

4. Avril Lavigne – Birdie

You know, one the benefits of buying albums that I’ve tried to tell people is that they can be a form of discovery too. While you might get it in the past for one song on the radio, it can also allow you to discover a song you’ll like that is hidden in there. You didn’t know it until you heard the album.

That’s what Avril did for me after the album’s powerful intro, came this beautiful song that no one knows about. Listening to a physical album is like hearing the artist’s personal journey.

3. Sarah MacLachlan – In the Arms of an Angel

I decided to watch Chernobyl this month. I know, back when I posted about HDM I didn’t seem interested but I changed my mind.

The show was hard to watch at times, like when Lyudmilla watched her husband’s condition worsen from the radiation burns and ARS to a point where he no longer looked human and then when those men had to kill all those animals that had been abandoned as an act of mercy so they wouldn’t suffer like those firefighters. This song makes me remember all those were affected by the incident and I’ve heard it since I was little.

2. Zedd ft. Foxes – Clarity

Probably the only electronic song that I love. I don’t know why, I just have a soft spot for the vocals and melody. I heard it on the radio once and it just grew on me.

I sometimes forget that I like it, until I had that dream earlier this month where I sang it while flying and breaking through all these obstacles into an open space in mountains where I changed to sing Orden Ogan instead. That was the only good dream I had this month. Coincidentally, it’s also making me think of the band when I listen to it due to it and them being in the same dream, and the fact that some of my friends are suspecting I might have a crush on one of the members, which I of course, continue to deny!

Anyway, who would have thought I’d come to love a song like this, I guess it just shows that even if you’re not into the genre, there’s bound to be at least one song that catches your ears.

1. ConcernedApe – Overture

This month also marks a new journey for me as a gamer. When the Steam summer sale began, I told myself I wasn’t going to buy any more games until I played a few more things in my library that I haven’t played yet, but I didn’t keep my word. I decided I wanted to start playing Stardew Valley after hearing many raves about it from fellow geek bloggers I follow, and a few of my friends also said they liked it.

Having enjoyed Slime Rancher, I thought I might like this as well. Simulation games are really relaxing for me, especially farming ones, as long as they run on their own clock. That way you don’t have to worry about missing anything in the game if you stop playing for a while. So behold this beautiful overture from the game’s soundtrack. It’s amazing how this game was developed by only one person and it’s become a huge success.

I love this game now and it feels like I’ll be grinding at it to make my farm grow, but it’ll be worth it.

I’m still going to clear my backlog of games eventually, whether I end up enjoying and beating them, or I have trouble with them and don’t finish them. Time to install the second Assassin’s Creed game since the first one got too boring for me unfortunately, sorry Altair.

Alright, that’s it for this month. Things are moving slowly because now I’m trying to find a job and it’s a slow process. I hate being in this limbo but it’s part of life, everyone goes through it so wish me luck.


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