
The Gamertag Remastered

Yep, here’s another tag of questions post for everyone to enjoy! I actually enjoy doing these, and find myself open to more of them ever since I moved to WordPress.

A keyboard because I’m a PC gamer 😉

This particular tag, is not one you need to be nominated for, but the original author Michelle who runs the blog allowed us to use it. Feel free to check out her blog.

She left behind a bunch of questions for me to answer so here they are, and I’ll try to be more visual this time.

1. What is your all-time favorite video game?

Mass Effect 2. It just epic in so many ways: diverse species, awesome characters, and edge-of-your-seat moments. One thing to really love is how each character’s backstory unfolds on their loyalty mission and the suspense during the main quest as we learn more about the Collectors and eventually, why they are abducting humans. One more serious threat to deal with just before the Reapers arrive.

The third game comes REALLY close though!

2. What is your current favorite video game?

Slime Rancher. It’s such an adorable game where I play to relieve stress and raise my slimes. I was fortunate to get the Collector’s Edition too.

The game has colorful graphics and a great soundtrack. The community’s alright but I wish they would shut up about the game not having a multiplayer. It’s not going to happen, the game wasn’t built for it.

3. What is your favorite video game genre?

Since I’ve been playing video games for almost my whole life, I’ve played so many genres because I would often just play whatever caught my eye. I’ve done platformers, shooters, RPG, puzzle, strategy, hack and slash, etc.

My favorites? Definitely RPG. I’ve always liked shooters since I was a teenager but I’m starting to enjoy hack and slash more.

4. How long have you been playing video games?

Since elementary school I think. It all started with my Barbie games on PC and PS1 then onto my Gameboy Advance as I started playing games from there based on interests of mine.

I was very picky back then.

5. What’s the first game you ever played?

It was Barbie Explorer for PS1 when I was little. I enjoyed it but got frustrated easily and never beat it. I probably still have it somewhere. Yeah, I played a lot of girlie games on PC and consoles before getting into the real stuff, but I’m pretty sure all female gamers started there too!

6. What game have you clocked the most hours into?

I never paid much attention to how much time elapsed whenever I was gaming so it’s hard to say. But I think it was back when Halo Reach was released, either with my friends or brother we would spend up to maybe 4 hours or more goofing around in Forge World. When it wasn’t that, I would just play Score Attack to rank up without dealing with playing with people.

7. What’s your longest gaming session?

We’re talking consecutive right? Well, the truth is I’m not an excessive gamer and I play for a maximum of 2 – 3 hours a day. Sometimes I go a little over that but usually not.

I blame my parents for strictly enforcing a time limit on my gaming when I was under 18, but I’m glad they did because it has prevented me from getting too addicted! A Skyrim player called me weak for that. Primitive.

8. Who is your favorite game developer?

Definitely BioWare. They put a lot of hard work into their games to give me two beloved universes Mass Effect and Dragon Age with diverse lovable characters and immense lore that would keep me absorbed for hours and always wanting to come back to those specific games.

9. Who is your favorite hero character from a game?

Well, that’s a hard one, because there are so many great video game heroes out there!

I love Kirby, he’s definitely the most adorable video game hero out there! It’s cute how he swallows enemies to copy their abilities and the universe he comes from is a gorgeous place. He’s not my number one favorite hero but I think he deserves to be mentioned here.

Also, who doesn’t love his adorable victory dance?

10. Who is your favorite villain?

I could have said the Didact, Corypheus or the Reaper Harbinger but that would be the easy way out. There are so many awesome villains in the gaming world, but if I had to pick one:

Queen Myrrah from Gears of War was the first female game villain I met. Even though she calls herself the queen of the Locust, she has no royal heritage and is actually human. She is first seen in the second game where she is is rather calm and dependent on her troops, especially Skorge for protection and in the third game she takes initiative and joins the fight with her Tempest.

Her people were in the middle of a civil war with the Lambent and took to the surface to escape it. But rather than negotiating peace terms with humanity to fight the Lambent together, Myrrah declared war on them instead.

Before Emergence Day, Myrrah tried to work with Adam Fenix to stop the Lambent from spreading as long as she agreed to postpone her invasion plans. But, that didn’t go well since the humans were currently dealing with the Pendulum Wars at that time.

There’s more to it than that but I’m not going to recite it all. Myrrah is a badass tyrannical villain and I love her.

11. Who is your most hated character of any game?

I’ve ran into many characters that were annoying, but hate them? Never. I mean there was RAAM and his control over the Kryll swarms that infuriated me on the final boss battle struggling to stay out of the darkness.

Then there were crazy obsessed characters like Aether President Lusamine who was willing to discard her children due to them not being worthy of her love like the Ultra Beasts were.

Knight-Commander Meredith Stannard who wanted all mages exterminated and her exposure to red lyrium only intensified her obsession.

Finally, how could I forget about the Prophet of Truth wanting to light the Halo Rings as he believed it would begin the so-called Great Journey for the Covenant, when in reality, firing the rings would exterminate all sentient life so the Flood would die from starvation?

No matter how insane characters like these were, or how frustrating they were to deal with in battle, I could never hate any character in a video game.

12. What gaming systems do you own?

Quite a few actually. I have a PS1, PS4 (though my brother plays it, not me), Xbox 360 and Xbox One, Wii, GameCube, my Nintendo 3DS and of course, my PC.

13. What was your first game system?

The PS1, though my brother played on it more than me, we have so many memories with it.

14. What’s your favorite gaming system and why?

Definitely my PC now. The greatest thing about PC gaming is you don’t have to fight for the TV with anyone to use the console.

If you have a PC powerful enough you can run almost anything. It is expensive to build one but it is totally worth it. Whereas with console gaming you have to keep buying a new one if it breaks or there’s no backward compatibility. In PC you just swap out parts and that’s it. Super convenient.

I also like how PC gaming is less of a hassle and you can have everything in one place like Steam.

15. Do you prefer to play male characters or female characters?

I tend to be more attached to female characters than male ones, especially if it’s a game where I make my own character. But if I must play as a male character because it’s the only thing the game permits, then I will comply.

Over the years, I’ve started to open my mind to play as the opposite sex more often, hence why I started The Witcher and I still have a male orc named Hissrad that I forgot about in Skyrim. I think for one of my future Dragon Age playthroughs, I’ll make a male Warden to go with Morrigan.

16. Do you follow walkthroughs, or do you play through on your own?

It depends. I try to figure things out on my own first before I resort to looking stuff up. If I get stuck for a while, then I’ll look at walkthroughs. Hell, when I wanted to actually finish Alien: Isolation, I watched Markiplier’s entire playthrough of the game because I was not used to playing stealth/survival games just to get an idea of how to proceed. That being said, I still haven’t beaten it, and I’m stuck in that area just before the suited androids with no weapons and very little crafting available. I really should have been more efficient at sneaking around and I should review that walkthrough so I can try again.

17. Have you ever been to a gaming convention?

Nope, though I have been to the gaming section of Fan Expo, but it wasn’t as exciting because there was a terribly long lineup to try out the VR game Beat Saber and there were gaming PCs but they were dominated by children playing Fortnite. Not to mention all the other games that were promoted there were mostly MMOs like WoW, which isn’t my cup of tea.

I guess I went to the wrong convention then!

18. What game are you most excited to come out in the future?

Right now it’s just the fourth Dragon Age game, I can’t wait to see what happens: how we will deal with Solas, who we will play as, etc. All I know for now is that we will be heading for Tevinter. I have high hopes that someday we’ll go to Par Vollen.

19. What’s your best memory of a video game?

Beating Halo 4 on Heroic by myself, that was my biggest accomplishment. Sometimes I look back at it and can’t remember how I pulled it off. I got halfway through it on Legendary but never finished it. It’s something to be proud of, but again, I’m not that kind of gamer who feels the need to go straight for the hardest difficulty. The story is what I care about and not everyone wants to deal with too many frustrations along the way and I most certainly don’t.

20. What’s your worst memory of a video game?

Got none at the moment, though if I did I’d rather not say.

21. Which video game character do you see yourself as, or if you had to be represented by a video game character, who would it be?

Easy one eh? Then I’ll pick Commander Shepard a.k.a Femshep.

She’s strong, independent, and desires peace in the galaxy. She fights for what’s right and to protect her friends and loved ones. She can be whatever I want her to be, a hero or a badass. I prefer to make her a Paragon because when I play, those types of choices are what I would choose to do if it was me. It’s like she is paralleling my own experience if it were actually myself in the Mass Effect universe.

And those are my answers to the questions from this tag. Now, I’m not going to nominate anyone this time, but to anyone viewing, feel free to write your own article using this tag.

You can give a shoutout to who led you to this tag and here are the questions below for you to copy and paste:

1. What is your all-time favorite video game?
2. What is your current favorite video game?
3. What is your favorite video game genre?
4. How long have you been playing video games?
5. What’s the first game you ever played?
6. What game have you clocked the most hours into?
7. What’s your longest gaming session?
8. Who is your favorite game developer?
9. Who is your favorite hero character from a game?
10. Who is your favorite villain?
11. Who is your most hated character of any game?
12. What gaming systems do you own?
13. What was your first game system?
14. What’s your favorite gaming system and why?
15. Do you prefer to play male characters or female characters?
16. Do you follow walkthroughs, or do you play through on your own?
17. Have you ever been to a gaming convention?
18. What game are you most excited to come out in the future?
19. What’s your best memory of a video game?
20. What’s your worst memory of a video game?
21. Which video game character do you see yourself as, or if you had to be represented by a video game character, who would it be?

Happy writing!


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