
Summer Updates!

Happy Canada Day!

I have today off, and it’s sunny outside. A nice long walk, I will take.

You’ve probably taken notice of my Didact-dedicated banner. I’ve got the stars to show my love for sci-fi, a page about Transformers for Optimus, my blog title dedicated to the two rock bands that inspire me the most, so why not put something on my blog for the Didact? He was my first evil fictional crush after all, (I don’t count Chaor because he’s not evil, it depends on which tribe you support in Chaotic)

Speaking of Chaotic, I moved my cards around in my binder so that the same cards are all in one pocket. Turns out I freed up to ten spaces for some new stuff. It’s sad that the series was abruptly discontinued, but you can actually still find the cards on eBay…..for a cheap price, even the Ultra rares! So I’m filling up those spaces right now. I am such a nerd, but I’m proud of it. One of the Ultra rares is Chaor again only this time in his fierce form seen when he battleds Aa’une with Maxxor and Iparu. (maybe I should get Aa’une as well)

I also wish I could get further in Bubble Town, and this is the last time Kaiden will flirt with me when I romance Thane and then he dies, because I’m going to kill him on Virmire from now on. Never liked him anyway. But this time I’m doing Garrus.


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