Music and Bands

Joining the Scumdogs of the Universe

You thought I would never become a fan of them. You though that I was going to be against them for life. Well, turns out you’re wrong. Way wrong.

So it’s GWAR alright, and it’s official. I am now a fan of them. I always told myself in the past that I would never like them because of their bad attitudes towards things in life and towards other bands I loved. It’s not that I spent my moments hating on them like stupid people do.

At first I was mad, and then I ignored them and gained a little respect for them cause I learned that this is just what they do, it’s who they are. I can’t do anything about that. Opinions are opinions, images are images. Then I realized, why dislike them? What did they ever do to me? Nothing. Come to think of it, I thought their image was pretty cool and I thought Oderus was a pretty humorous guy coming from the planet Scumdogia. It became so strange how he used to piss me off at first but then a few years later, he made me laugh instead.

So without any further a-do-do I think you want to know why I like GWAR now. After the recent death of Dave Brockie which I was quite surprised to learn about, I paid my respects for him and somehow my dislike for GWAR just faded away at that moment realizing that they are not as bad as I thought they were. So for the hell of it, one night I decided to check their music out.

After listening to their songs online I actually liked it. Thrash metal, and you know that’s one of my favourite metal subgenres. GWAR’s music is very aggressive, has some melody depending on the song but some of it is catchy like Sick of You, Hail Genocide!, andThey Swallowed the Sun GWAR is a good band for anger management. Nowadays if I’m really pissed at someone or something I listen to “Sick of You” to let my anger out instead of taking it out on the person I’m mad at.

I don’t know why but suddenly I began to like Oderus a lot more after enjoying the band’s music. What can I say about Oderus? Well he’s not so bad once you get to know him. All his negativity you might as well get used to. But in a sense he makes me laugh the way he is. If he starts to talk shit about any other band or musician I love then there’s no point in getting upset. Oderus is just being Oderus. I’m now kind of upset that he’s gone now. You know what that means: will GWAR continue without him or disband. If I ever saw GWAR it means I would see the band without him in it and I don’t know if that’ll be the same.

I am still learning the names of the other band members but I also know Balsac the Jaws of Death and Beefcake the Mighty and that’s it so far but I’ll get to know the rest of them as I go deeper in to the fandom. The only challenge I can see out of being a GWAR fan now is dealing with anyone who strongly dislikes their negativity. To me I just see them as entertainment. Another band I can listen to to escape reality for however long I desire. I may not always agree with their views in life and aggressive approach to everything but that’s them. The truth is that I care about the music and image and that’s it. Nothing more, nothing less.

Also just so you know. I still love Lordi and always will. Some Lordi fans hate GWAR mainly because of how they speak of Lordi. But there is no law on this planet saying you can’t enjoy both of these bands at once. But if anyone and I mean ANYONE has a problem with me liking Gwar feel free to leave. This is my music taste and I will add whatever I want to it.


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