
The Funniest Spaceman in the World

I just love a good laugh every now and then and I think there’s always at least one person who can make you laugh a little when you’re feeling down or there will be other people who will seriously make you laugh until you cry. Sometimes it’s not just what they say that makes you laugh sometimes it’s the way they laugh themselves like this spaceman here.

Yes you all know Ace Frehley don’t you? If there’s one musician who can put a smile on my face it’s him. He tells great jokes and oh yeah…..he has the best laugh in the world! Now you know why I posted a GIF picture of himself laughing in an interview from the 70s. I miss him being in KISS and now I know why no one seems to respect Tommy Thayer these days. Anyway, it all started when I watched the band being interviewed by Tom Snyder back in the 70s. Ace knows how to make me feel better and all he has to do to make that happen is to make me laugh and he does a helluva good job doing so! I think the funniest parts where he goofs off would have to be in that interview.

“I thought I would make it a space bear, The only space bear in captivity, I got him, he’s captured!”

What a lot of people like about the Tom Snyder interview is that Ace is laughing his ass off at almost everything until eventually he gets Tom, Peter, and even Paul to laugh along with him. Gene on the other hand seems pissed whenever that happens like the time he kept trying to say something to Tom but Ace wouldn’t stop laughing!

I don’t even know why I’m writing about this, I just feel bored today so I thought of writing a funny entry on here for once about the coolest spaceman on Earth who has a wonderful laugh. Rock on Ace!


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