
Hard Rock Hallelujah! Pizza and Lordi surprises

A perfect end to a good day and what’s a better way to do it with Lordi and pizza? So I had literally nothing to do today because I got my homework done on the weekend so I spent most of today web-surfing and playing Skyrim. When my mom got home she handed me a package and when I opened it I found The Monsterican Dream inside! Yes! Finally I have all of Lordi’s studio albums!

Here you have it readers, my lovely collection of Lordi CDs plus Scarchives Vol. 1. I’m not a major collector so it doesn’t really matter to me if I have only one version of each album. Now I have all of Lordi’s music until the next album comes out. I’d say that The Monsterican Dream is a late birthday present for me! I already gave it a listen and I like Pet the Destroyer and Blood Red Sandman the most. So horrific with the melody and riffs make me think of a monster chained up and I’m walking towards it and I have to pet it and feed it. Who knows what this Destroyer looks like, also Blood Red Sandman I think of the music video when I listen to it even though I’ve heard the song itself many times before. Now I’m guessing you’re wondering which album is my favourite? I’ll go with The Arockalypse! I love almost every song on that album so melodic yet still horrific hard rock that I like! Still wish I became a fan during that era hahahaha!

Now to end a nice day with this evening’s dinner. My mom was a little too tired to cook today and even though I love her cooking she decided not to cook tonight instead she decided to order pizza. What an uncommon thing on a day like this because we normally order or make pizza on Fridays instead.

I prefer just plain cheese; I’m not crazy about toppings. So I always get myself a cheese pizza, nice and cheesy just the way I like it. Reminds me of when Mr. Lordi was talking about how much he loves North America and says he loves pizza at one point. He says he’s a US fan but I’m hoping there’s room for Canada in there! Anyhoo my family’s downstairs watching the NHL playoffs and I’m sitting up here doing the same shit I always do. I’m not a big hockey person as I said earlier. I must be an alien cause most Canadians ARE hockey fans and are probably sitting down right now to watch the game. My dad had to borrow my Toronto Maple Leafs jersey to wear to work today since the Leafs won last night and the jersey is actually Sundin the former team captain. He says that if the Leafs win tonight I should wear the jersey to my college classes on Wednesday. Well we’ll see.
That’s it for now; I have some fanfic to write and some Lordi to listen to!

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