
A week of Hellbender Turbulence

So come May come hell or high water I have so much shit to do next week both leisure and education. The week starts with Canada’s Wonderland opening. Lucky for me I got a season pass to that park this year as an early birthday present. So I can go as often as I want this summer! Woot!

Then there’s my birthday on Tuesday. I’ll be 20, oh lord I feel old! Nah just kidding. I wonder what I should do to celebrate? Well maybe since I’m home all day that day I’ll probably blast Lordi and headbang till my brain gets a deadache. I only want The Monsterican Dream as a present. A backstage pass to a gig in Toronto if there was a Lordi gig in Toronto would have been a better present but that’ll come one day even if I have to fight to get it.

Then my classes start up again I’ll have to go to another town just to take these classes but lucky for me its only twice a week. Finally I’ll be going to see HIM in Toronto with a friend. I wish all these concerts that I’m going to this year. (HIM next week and then KISS in July) were not on weekdays but maybe the KISS concert won’t be too much of a hassle to get to……..oops did I just reveal something? Hahahahaha I think I just did, but I’ll write about it later! Then it’s up to our family’s cottage to put the boat in the water. I know such a helluva busy week coming up I hope it’s not too crazy because I don’t wanna find myself stressed like crazy. But it’ll pass.

Wonderland should be fun tomorrow. Going with my girl Tiffany!


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