Music and Bands, Prompts

Historical Figures – Ode To A Legend

Who is your favorite historical figure?

Do musicians count? Well, I’ve got a good one here!

The one and only Lemmy Kilmister was born on December 24th, 1945. I wish I had become a Motörhead fan sooner as I never got to see them live before he passed away on December 29th, 2015.

Better late than never. So what do I love about him? I’ve written about before many things but for newcomers, I’ll tell you, he was extremely humble, a gentleman who treated women with respect and love, and was passionate not just about the music he made but also about history and preserving it. He also cared deeply about literature and read books a lot when he wasn’t performing, smoking, drinking, partying, etc.

He always spoke about how important reading is and I couldn’t agree more. We also share a lot of views about people and society in general. I don’t want to go into too much detail but that’s all covered in my review of his autobiography.

As for the music, Motörhead is one of the best bands I’ve gotten into since KISS and I listen to them more and more every day. It’s loud, fast, and hard, and I’m always cranking it up when I’m driving!

I’m not afraid to admit that I have a crush on him, yes I know he’s gone, but it was hard for me to resist his accent, humour, and the way he treats women so I let my heart succumb and wrote what it is like.

I have also reviewed five of the band’s albums

Ace of Spades


Bad Magic


Rock n’ Roll

There will be, hopefully, more to come. I don’t think anyone else who did this prompt picked a historical figure in music but you never know.

One more great thing about Lemmy that I admire is he didn’t care what anyone thought about him and he never let anything stop him from continuing to do what he loved. He played his final concert 17 days before his death while battling multiple ailments.

He went out the way he wanted to and even though he is gone, he lives on in the minds and hearts of Metalheads like myself. ❤️


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2 thoughts on “Historical Figures – Ode To A Legend”

    1. Well if you like that song then check out Dogs, Deaf Forever and Fast and Loose.

      Lol, Lemmy said outside of performing that song live, he got tired of it quickly, can’t say I blame him.

      Liked by 1 person

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